
calendar 2022

calendar 2021

information in pdf

Fee - 350 euro (5 days, 40 hours of classes)

When and where will the training be held in 2022?

Cyprus - Spain - Poland 


For a group of at least 5 people, individual dates and different places of training are possible

          If you need details - check the calendar or write to

The training meets the Erasmus Plus program requirements - 
we offer 5 days and 40 hours of classes

Audience - teachers/lecturers who want to improve their teaching skills.
Basic English (at least A2) is required. 

stationary training -  details 

Payment method - PayPal or bank transfer. We provide the data in response to your e-mail.

We issue appropriate bills and invoices, as well as certificates of participation.

Day 1

The role of the teacher in the teaching process - what does a student need from us?

What does it mean to have a good memory? So about the possibilities of our brain

Types of knowledge and memory systems

- Own work on the received material -


Day 2

Mechanisms of remembering and forgetting - why do we remember so little?

Learning processes - knowledge storage - knowledge extraction - forgetting  

Techniques of effective knowledge acquisition (part 1)

- Own work on the received material -


Day 3

Techniques of effective knowledge acquisition (part 2)

How to use learning techniques in teaching? – workshop part 1

- Own work on the received material -


Day 4

How to use learning techniques in teaching – workshop part 2

Summary of the workshop part - presentations and conclusions

- Own work on the received material  -


Day 5


Online Teaching - Features of a good presentation - does a number of slides matter?

When to use knowledge acquisition techniques?

Participants'  presentations  

Techniques supporting teaching and learning

 - w o r k s h o p    for  e d u c a t o r s

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Hinker Training Hub